San Marino

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San Marino

Freedom of AssociationHistoryArticle 6 of The Declaration of Citizens' Rights and of the fundamental principles of the San Marinese legal order specifies Freedom of Association. The Constitution of San Marino, from 1600, does not specify the individual rights so the Declaration of Citizen’s Rights and fundamental principles of San Marino was adopted on July 8,1974.

Declaration of Citizens Rights and Fundamental Principles of San Marino. Rights of Assembly.

CIA World Factbook. San Marino.
Freedom of ExpressionHistoryFreedom of expression was first protected by Article 6 of San Marino Law 59, adopted in 1974. Also known as the Declaration of Citizen Rights, this legislation only allows for the limitation of this right in exceptional cases or to uphold public interests. “Decreto 8 luglio 2002 n. 79 Repubblica di San Marino.” FAO. Accessed July 11, 2023.
Freedom of ReligionHistoryDeclaration of Citizens' Rights and of the fundamental principles of the San Marinese legal order was ratified on July 8, 1974. Article 4 and 6 grant religious equality, freedom, and prohibit religious discrimination. Right of Assembly. “San Marino: Constitution - 1974.” Last modified 2022. Accessed June 28, 2022.
Freedom of the PressHistoryArticle 6 of San Marino’s 1974 Declaration on the Citizens’ Right and Fundamental Principles ensures that “the privacy of any form of communication shall be protected" (WIPO, "Declaration on the Citizens’ Rights and Fundamental Principles of San Marino Constitutional Order").
Privacy RightsHistoryThe 1974 Declaration of Citizens' Rights and of the fundamental principles of the San Marinese legal order is the first time privacy rights are alluded to in San Marino. Art. 6 grants civil and political liberties. It does not grant privacy except in communications.
Voting Rights and SuffrageHistoryAccording to Article 7, suffrage is universal, secret, and direct and is granted to all citizens of the country over the legal voting age of 18. (Policing Law, “San Marino’s Constitution of 1974” ).