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Freedom of AssociationHistoryPart I Article 18 of the Jordanian Constitution provides the first mention of freedom of association in Jordan: “18. All Transjordanians shall have the right to assemble together and to form associations within the provisions of the law” (World Constitutions Illustrated). "Part I: Rights of the People," Constitution of Transjordan : 980-981
Freedom of ExpressionHistory{{{contents}}}
Freedom of ReligionHistoryThe Constitution of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan was ratified in 1952. Articles 6 and 14 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 2 declares Islam the official religion.

1952. The Constitution of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. July 11.

Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Constitutional Court “Jordanian Constitution.” CCO. Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Constitutional Court, 2022. Last modified 2022. Accessed June 17, 2022.
Freedom of the PressHistoryArticle 15 of Jordan’s 1952 Constitution guarantees freedom of the press: “Freedom of the press and publications shall be ensured within the limits of the law” (Refworld, “The Constitution of The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan”).
Privacy RightsHistoryArticle 7 of the 1952 constitution says, “1. Personal freedom shall be guaranteed. 2. Every infringement on rights and public freedoms or the inviolability of the private life of Jordanians is a crime punishable by law.” Article 18 protects communications and Article 10 protects the home (Constitute Project, “Jordan 1952 rev. 2016” ). 2016? lang=en
Voting Rights and SuffrageHistoryAccording to Article 67, the House of Representatives shall be composed of members elected by general, secret and direct elections by the citizens of Jordan which will be defined by law. (Constitute Project, “Jordan’s Constitution of 1952 with Amendments through 2016” ).