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Freedom of AssociationHistoryArticle 12 of Iraq’s 1925 Constitution protected freedom of association: “Freedom of expression of opinion, liberty of publication, of meeting together, and of forming and joining associations is guaranteed to all Iraqis within such limits as may be prescribed by law”.

Freedom of association is protected in two different sections of the Iraqi Constitution of 2005. Article 22 Section 3 states that: “The State shall guarantee the right to form and join unions and professional associations, and this shall be regulated by law” while Article 39 Section 1 states that: “The freedom to form and join associations and political parties shall be guaranteed, and this shall be regulated by law” (


Iraq 1925 Constitution:

“Iraq 2005 Constitution.” Constitute. Accessed July 19, 2023.
Freedom of ExpressionHistoryArticle 12 of Iraq’s 1925 Constitution protected freedom of expression: “Freedom of expression of opinion, liberty of publication, of meeting together, and of forming and joining associations is guaranteed to all Iraqis within such limits as may be prescribed by law”.

Article 38 of the 2005 Iraq Constitution states that "The State shall guarantee in a way that does not violate public order and morality ... [f]reedom of expression using all means"


Iraq 1925 Constitution:
Freedom of ReligionHistoryArticle 13 of the 1925 Iraq Constitution stated: "Islam is the official religion of the State. Freedom to practise the rites; of the different sects of that religion, as observed in Iraq, is guaranteed. Complete freedom of conscience and freedom to practise the various forms of worship, in conformity with accepted customs, is guaranteed to all inhabitants of the country provided that such forms of worship do not conflict with the maintenance of order and discipline or public morality."

The Constitution of the Republic of Iraq was ratified on September 18, 2005. Article 2.1 declares Islam the official religion of Iraq and foundation source of legislation: “Islam is the official religion of the State and is a foundation source of legislation. No law may be enacted that contradicts the established provisions of Islam…” Articles 2.2, 10, 14, 37.2, 41, and 43 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 2.2 states that “[t]his Constitution guarantees the Islamic identity of the majority of the Iraqi people and guarantees the full religious rights to freedom of religious belief and practice of all individuals such as Christians, Yazidis, and Mandean Sabeans” (


Iraq 1925 Constitution:

“Iraq 2005 Constitution.” Constitute. Accessed July 21, 2023.
Freedom of the PressHistoryArticle 12 of Iraq’s 1925 Constitution first protected press freedom: “Freedom of expression of opinion, liberty of publication, of meeting together, and of forming and joining associations is guaranteed to all Iraqis within such limits as may be prescribed by law”.

Article 38 of Iraq’s 2005 Constitution protects press freedom: “The State shall guarantee in a way that does not violate public order and morality… Freedom of press, printing, advertisement, media and publication” (Constitute Project, “Iraq's Constitution of 2005” ).


Iraq 1925 Constitution:

“Iraq 2005 Constitution.” Constitute. Accessed July 19, 2023.
Privacy RightsHistoryArticle 15 of the 1925 Iraq Constitution protected the privacy of communication: "All postal and telegraphic correspondence and all telephonic communications shall be secret and free from censorship or detention, except in such circumstances and in such manner as may be prescribed by law." Article 8 guaranteed the "inviolability of all places of residence".

The 2005 constitution protects the right to personal privacy in Article 17(1) and the right to privacy in the home in Article 17(2).


Iraq 1925 Constitution:

“Iraq 2005 Constitution.” Constitute. Accessed July 19, 2023.
Voting Rights and SuffrageHistoryIn Article 20, the Iraqi Constitution states that all citizens shall have the right to vote, elect, and run for office. The voting age in Iraq is 18 years old. (Constitute Project, “Iraq’s Constitution of 2005” ).


“Iraq 2005 Constitution.” Constitute. Accessed July 19, 2023.