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TLC(3 C)
Breakouts(2 C)
Right(9 C, 6 P)
Section(9 P)

Categories and their full name

 Full category
Amendment processIf this right is best addressed through the amendment process, how should it proceed?
BeneficiariesAre there any groups that uniquely benefit from the exercise of this right?
Conflicts with other RightsConflicts with other Rights
ContributionsWhat specific events or ideas contributed to its identification as a fundamental right?
CostIs there a cost attached to protecting and enforcing this right? What kinds of costs are implicated?
Cost consistencyCost to consistency or coherence of the law as a whole
Cost democracyCost to perceived democratic legitimacy
Cost equityCost to considerations of social equality
Cost legitimacyCost to the legitimacy or effectiveness of other rights
Cost to least ableCost to those least able to economically absorb the cost
Country exceptionsCountry exceptions
What are the typical exceptions or limitations placed on this right?
Country forcesCountry forces
What historical forces or events, if any, contributed to a widespread belief in its importance?
Country intepretationIs this right interpreted and exercised in different ways in different countries? Focus on particular countries in which the right is interpreted distinctively
Country sourcesCountry sources
What is the oldest written source in this country that mentions this right?
Culture and PoliticsCulture and Politics
Democratic limitShould this right be limited when limiting it would jeopardize democratic norms?
DependantsAre there other specific rights that are critical to the exercise of this right? Can you identify specific examples of this?
Depends on governanceIs this right exercised in different ways depending on the political governance regime in place (democracy, autocracy, hybrid regime)?
DerogationsUnder international human rights laws, what permissible exceptions (often called derogations) exist?
DisadvantagedAre there any groups that are uniquely disadvantaged by the exercise of this right?
EliminatedIf this right were eliminated, what might be the consequences (positive and negative)?
EraIs the identification of this right associated with a particular era in history, political regime, or political leader?
Executive actionCan the practice or exercise of this right be shaped through executive action?
Expected changeHow can we expect this right to change and evolve in the years ahead?
Fairness and utility changeAre questions of fairness and utility pertaining to this right likely to change in the years ahead?
FederalismHow does federalism change, if at all, the exercise or application of this right? What examples of this can one point to?
Financial ConsequencesWhat are the financial consequences, if any, of making this right a legally protectable right?
Fundamental and protectedIs there general and widespread belief that this right is a fundamental right that should generally be protected (and that exceptions should be rare)?
Fundamentally acceptedWhen was it generally accepted as a fundamental, legally-protectable right?
FutureHow is the future likely to shape the exercise of this right?
Government curtailmentIs this right often curtailed by government authorities for reasons other than those which are generally viewed as permissible?
InternationalIs this right enshrined in international and regional human rights treaties?
IrrelevenceUnder what conditions would this right become irrelevant?
JurisprudenceUnder American jurisprudence, what permissible exceptions exist?
Legal CodificationLegal Codification
Level of addressIs this right best addressed at the national level? The sub-national level? The international level?
LimitIf so, where can one draw the line: when does this right stop being useful or economically viable?
Limitations - RestrictionsLimitations / Restrictions
Long-term costLong-term economic cost in general
Looking AheadLooking Ahead
MeasureAre there objective ways to measure the utilitarian nature of this right?
Most countriesIs this right protected in the Constitutions of most countries today?
Noteworthy written sourcesIs there another noteworthy written source from the past that mentions this right?
Other fundamentalAre there other specific fundamental rights that tend to conflict with this right? Can you identify specific examples of this?
Other non-material costsCost to other non-material goods not so far specified
PermissibilityHave political theorists or philosophers discussed the permissibility of exceptions to this right?
Philosophical OriginsPhilosophical Origins
... further results

Content with dates
